this inscription meant to the most ballistic person on earth.
notes: scan the code above and listen to it while you reading this messy self thoughts.
hi, are you here because you thought you're ballistic?
you're here because everyone thought you're ballistic?
however, i'm here to validate your anger. some people might think we have issues that need to get rid of immediately. "baperan, emosian, keras kepala" or they even call us such a narsisstic, mentally ill, childish, and every loud mouth they trying to represent. just take a chill sit and start think of it twice. kenapa ketika kita marah, tanggapan orang lain selalu gak pernah sesuai sama kemauan? apa mungkin itu bagian dari 'emosi marah' yang bergerumul selama ini? though answer. but, some things are true, and the rest of it are not. probably we need to dive into it deeper than before.
talk to yourself now
imagine, if your beloved one is crying, apa yang pertama kali kamu lakuin?
imagine, if your beloved one is happy, apa yang pertama kali kamu rasain?
imagine, if your beloved one is scared, apa yang pertama kali kamu lakuin?
imagine, if your beloved one is feel embarassed, apa yang pertama kali kamu lakuin?
now imagine, if your beloved one is angry, at the point they start going crazy. apa yang pertama kali bakalan kamu lakuin?
there's no single kind attitude goes towards someone who gets angry. people who have anger inside them are considered becoming people that everyone avoid to get interact with.
although, marah itu lahirnya gak cuma dari emosi diri, but it is ignited by something unreachable. something that's waaay deeper than our thoughts. karena kompleksitas jiwa manusia jauh lebih rumit daripada yang kita bayangin. with that situation, had interact with other people must be draining for our emotion.
not trying to defend your anger. tapi terkadang kita perlu buat gak terus-terusan nyalahin diri sendiri, karena kita 'marah'. stop blaming yourself over emotion that God already given to you.
peace out ✌
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